This category is for all listings that have either a direct or general location. You can list an address or just a destination. In the address bars just insert city, town or neighbourhood information all address sections instead of street numbers etc…
With this section you can add some details from your social pages
Add the name of your location and a description
Add as many tags as you want., separate with commas. All new tags will be added to the database. Pick a category from the drop down menu
Add address. If you don’t want to add an exact address just place name of town or city concurrently in all relevant boxes.
Check location is correct via the map. You can also pinpoint location on the map, but this method can be less accurate
Latitude and longitude can be manually inserted or will be automatically added with address or location. Select type of map. Options include satellite, terrain or hybrid. Satellite is like a street map, terrain features geographic features such as trees and mountains etc.. Hybrid is a combination of the two. If no choice is made the system will default to satellite.
Insert business hours here. Add social links and website address if you have them.
Add your logo and any other images that are relevant to your listing.
Add links to videos you have hosted on other websites.
Add general pricing information and any special offers that may be available at the time of listing, Agree to the terms and agreements (can be view via the hyperlink next to the checkbox)
Link your item to any other relevant listing you have posted on the website