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Hello there & welcome to Metaphysical Maps…How are you today or this evening? Happy to have you on our site, your site? Hopefully…I had an idea for an app like this for a while, the idea came as I tried to set up some history and ghost tours. While my foray into the world of tourism was not overly successful for several reasons, one of them being that I was not the best public speaker. I had what I thought were decent ideas, but the execution was more difficult than I thought and although there may be scope to try this again with the lessons learned from the last I decided to turn my attention to another idea I had. Which was an app that located metaphysical locations such as haunted places, UFO sightings, strange creatures, businesses and so on. While working on this idea I realized that what really needs to come first is a website, so I turned my attention to that. While admittedly not a totally unique idea, it seemed like a good project and something I could a nice twist on.

I looked around and noticed that there was a lot of different pages, groups, business listings and websites who shared a common metaphysical interest and while most were keen to share each other’s details there wasn’t a lot of pages that just pulled all those details in to one place. That is where the idea came from. The idea was and is to have a place where anyone with those similar but not entirely the same interests could list places, stories, histories, team and business details and more. A place where if someone wanted to find a tarot reader in their area for example it would be just a matter of checking out listings on a site. This site, hopefully this way I could help pull the community together and provide a resource for anyone with a mild to a very strong interest a place to find like-minded pursuits. The goal also to help businesses, groups, towns, locations bring people in, to promote good operators, fascinating locations and hopefully help draw people to the amazing places that might be a little off the beaten track. A website for people to share their own experiences and interests.

My hope is this website will be a place of sharing and community, A place of friendship and joy in a common interest. This site will be non-bias but will also be a safe place and no hate or bullying will be tolerated. Constructive criticism is welcome including about the site itself, but harassment will not be permitted. We will moderate as much as possible but personal arguments must be sorted out in your own time. If you have issues with a post or a listing is not appropriate, or permission is needed than please contact as [email protected]. Please no listings if you are not sure if it would be allowed by the location. If we get correspondence from a location that a listing is not allowed, we will not hesitate to remove it. We will give you warning, but we must uphold request by site owners and managers etc. Likewise, if you list a location with someone else’s home address it will promptly be paused until we can determine if it is appropriate. Don’t list other people’s home locations and yours as a rule of thumb, as this may bring unwanted attention to the home. If you want to list a personal encounter, please place it in the online only listing under “personal encounters” section. Please don’t place false information on here, that just muddies the whole experience and if enough correspondence is received to suggests information is false, we will remove it. Don’t place businesses on the site if they are not yours and or you do not have permission to do so. If you’d like to help promote a place or business share this website with them or ask them for permission. Please follow all proper legalities in accessing locations, as word of inappropriate behaviour will be forwarded on to the relevant authorities. Please follow all safe practices when arranging meetups and selling items and services, be safe and vigilant, as the web can be a dangerous place and even though we’d like the whole interaction to be a positive one, we all know that there is inherent risk in turning digital interactions in to physical ones.

When using the Meta Marketplace please make sure it is only listings related to metaphysical services, items or equipment used in these things. Please only list items related to metaphysical subjects or services. This can be for example: Tarot, psychic readings, reiki healings. Positions available on teams including paranormal teams etc… Equipment such as cameras, EM pumps, spirit boxes etc… All listings are the responsibility of the listees, and Meta Maps and its owners hold no liabilities for anything listed. Please do your due diligence when buying items, Use the appropriate payment services when paying for things online. Please observe optimal safety measures when meeting up for services or to pick up an item. Always arrange safe meet ups before joining on to team environments and services. Bring people with you, let people know where you are going and/or arrange to first meet in a public place. We want everyone to be safe and secure and recommend using best personal practices while using this service.

This section will add to as the website evolves, if you have any suggestions, please by all means forward them to [email protected]. There’s also a contact form you use. If there’s categories, you’d like to suggest please let us know. We hope to enjoy this website and thanks for joining us… Moke – creator/admin

Add your listing to Meta Maps. Please make sure it is only listings related to metaphysical services, items or equipment’s used in these things.

Please only list items related to metaphysical subjects or services. This can be for example: Tarot, psychic readings, reiki healings. Positions available on teams including paranormal teams etc… Equipment such as cameras, EM pumps, spirit boxes etc… All listings are the responsibility of the listees, and Meta Maps and its owners hold no liabilities for anything listed. Please do your due diligence when buying items, Use the appropriate payment services when paying for things online. Please observe optimal safety measures when meeting up for services or to pick up an item. Always arrange safe meet ups before joining on to team environments and services. Bring people with you, let people know where you are going and/or arrange to first meet in a public place. We want everyone to be safe and secure and recommend using best personal practices while using this service.

Author: Klaa2

©2023 MetaMaps

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